Wednesday 27 June 2012


Hi all, so I haven't put up a post in a few weeks...we have been having lots of fun partying in Vancouver while Brendon has had to work Saturday shifts so there wasn't many tasteful pictures and stories to tell haha

BUT...last weekend we went camping in Squamish, an hour up from Vancouver (we stopped there on the way to Whistler). Saturday we went down to the river for a fish but our adventure was cut short when I went to put down my bag to help Brendon with his fishing line (that caught more trees than fish) and turned to see a snake behind me!! We later learnt they are pretty harmless - as in you'll just swell up but not die if they get you apparently - but every little branch that brushed past me after that freaked me out.

It poured with rain when we were heading to the campsite so we picked up these awesome $2 ponchos to wear while we set up

We got a spot tucked in next to the river, and had a huge tarpoline so stayed pretty dry while we waited for the skies to clear up

Ahh the fire poking stick, great camping past time...

Sunday was a really nice day, we spent the day on a hiking trail up the Stawamus Chief, one of the worlds largest granite monoliths. The trail first went through the bush then up the side of a waterfall and the last 20 minutes or so was climbing the rock dome to get to the top. It took us 4 and a half hours, 3 of them walking and the rest eating.

Some of the paths where pretty rugged but ladders and chains were bolted in to places that needed it which was fun

The view at the top was amazing - 360 degrees, when the small airplanes flew by it felt like they were at eye level we were that high up

We made a friend as well while we were up there having some lunch, this little chipmunk was super keen on our almonds and kept stuffing as many as he could in his mouth, running off and stashing them then coming back for more