Monday 26 December 2011

Christmas Day at the Lake

Yesterday was one of the best days! We drove up to the lake on Christmas Eve and cut down a little christmas tree on the way

Then christmas morning we woke up, opened presents and went for a walk along a snowy track - made some snow angels along the way in the powdery snow off the track

Along our walk we saw a snowed over beaver home

Then after lunch we went for a snowmobile ride around some tracks, saw a huge moose on the way - she was gorgeous, stood there for a bit looking back at us then pranced up and over the hill

We went round to the side of the lake, by the time we were coming back it was snowing - I had the biggest grin on under my helmut the whole way I think

Big day!! Then came home for a delicious roast stuffed turkey dinner and christmas cake for desert...yum..

1 comment:

  1. looks like you guys had an amazing christmas! very jelous of the snow and the lake house xx love you both lots x
