Monday 27 February 2012

Quarter Century Birthday

On Sunday I had my birthday, was a pretty cruizy day. Went to a cute cafe for brunch that Brendon and I found in Gastown, which is a really styley older part of Vancouver City on the waterfront (all you girls would love it), then went to Granville Island which is also really funky for a wander around the shops and markets.

I got snow for my birthday!! In the morning just as we headed out we got some nice flakes, and even better the snow died down and the sun came out for the rest of the afternoon so we could enjoy walking around outside.

Thursday 23 February 2012

Never Enough Snowmobiling

I won't go overboard with all the snowmobiling we have been doing, but last weekend was just such a good one I had to share it

We went down a new track on Saturday, and it was amazing! It was a nice long ride, and best of all there were no trees across the path that we had to stop for to cut down

I rode the neighbours old beast that had like zero tread, so a lot of drifties on the corners..

We were having so much fun, that we stopped home for a snack then headed the other way across the lake to another track, that also had no trees across it this weekend. We rode from about lunchtime until the sun went down!!

To top off the weekend, Sunday morning before heading home we went out for a small cruize and happened to spot a baby moose lying in amongst the trees. One of my favourtie animals at the moment, since seeing one, because they are so big and gangly but just so elegant

Sunday 12 February 2012

Boundary Bay Birdwatching

About a half hour drive south from Vancouver City to the waters edge is Boundary Bay, and this year there has been lots of reportings of white Snowy Owls from the Arctic that are resting there over winter so we went to check them out.

Apparently every couple of years the food that these owls eat in the Arctic has a shortage so they fly further south in search of other food. Boundary Bay is on the Fraser River estuary, and the owls come here to hunt and to rest in this sort of log marshland area.

They were so white, especially through the binoculars they had a fuzzy glow around them, and they were a big bird measuring roughly 60cm high.

This was the walkway along boundary bay - it was quite a big area of wetland before the sea that the birds rest in.

There was owls scattered through the marshland resting on logs all along the path

We also saw what looked like a hawk

And along the drive out there in all the big trees above the flat fields was heaps of American Bald Eagles - these were huge birds, so amazing to see so many at once.

It was a good way to spend a wet winters day!!

Saturday 11 February 2012

Life As We Know It

This week was a good one, for lots of small reasons.

1. I guess most importantly this week I started my new job, still in logistics so good for the resume, close trip from home on the bus with a bit of a walk which is nice, and flexibility to have time off to travel which is a bonus. And I feel glad that I left the temp job I was offered to search for something better myself and that it actually payed off.

2. So leading on from this is that I have met some nice people including young people at my work, so am making friends (yuss).

3. One of the highlights of my week was early morning when I was walking down to the bus stop out from the alleyway came a raccoon which looked like he had been foraging in peoples bins cause he was carrying something as he hopped along the road. I didn't have the camera with me to get a picture but I think it would have been no good anyway cause I just stood and paused in amazement to see him - man they are cute!

4. And last but not least, this week I ordered and recieved my Swedish Hasbeen clogs. Yes they are a summer shoe, but they are such raw leather that I decided to buy them early and start wearing them in now walking around the house and let the colour darken up so they are all ready to go when summer is here, so exciting...I just LOVE them....