Tuesday 8 May 2012

Coquihalla Lakes Lodge

We spent this weekend up at the Coquihalla in this awesome cabin in the woods looking out at the Coquihalla Lake, it was a full on weekend - so much fun! We went with Brendons workmate and his family, and their mate was the one that owned the lodges.

We got up there about midnight Friday, and went for a nightime snowmobile up the mountain to a little cabin - which was wicked to do in the pitch black. The cabin didn't have much in it except a fireplace so we lit a little fire before heading back to the lodge at some crazy time in the early morning.

Then Saturday we spent all afternoon sleding..

This is me on the 800 which was way too frikkin fast for me, and next to me is the Razor - it was such a beast it pretty much rode over anything and it had a full on sound system in it so everywhere we were cruizing on this empty mountain we had music blasting

Coconut..one of the coolest laxy dogs I've met..I could have taken her home

Looking down the mountain over the Coquihalla Highway, about an hour and a half further along the highway is where we stay at Lake Le Jeune

This was the lodge that we stayed at, and our view from the deck overlooking the semi melted lake

Saturday night till daylight was a crazy one too..most of the pictures are drunkenly terrible and blurry but I just had to put this one up cause it was so funny..this is what we named Squiggly Dancing (the drunken version of Square Dancing). One of the guys likes country music (like real cowboy type country music)...and it lead to this...

Totally wiped out by the time we got home late Sunday night, I was a zombie on Monday, but an awesome weekend I won't forget..

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