Saturday 15 June 2013

Berlin, Germany

We recently spent some time in Berlin. The first day we went on a walking tour of the old city - we got a lot of places pointed out to us that we didn't know much about which was really interesting.
The famous gate into the old city, used by royalty..
 Check Point Charlie, the old US gateway into the city and a point of conflict between nations..

This was part of museum island - which is, well, a small island in the middle of the old city with 5 or so museums all clustered together. The outside of the island is surrounded by large theatres and libraries etc. This staircase we are standing on at the front of this museum is where Hitler held some of his meetings which was crazy to think..

Murdered Jews Memorial..

War memorial for mothers who lost their sons in the war. You can't really see but it is inside an empty building - a mother holding her dying son - with a hole in the roof so the statue ensures the weather conditions of all the seasons as her son would have at war..
 The second day we got up and went to a big Flea Market at Mauer Park before heading down to the largest remaining part of the Berlin Wall..

After the wall we heading to the Berlin Zoo for a stroll around..

Wild desert cats...

That night was a big one, we found a couple of different cocktail bars and spent the night drinking cheap tasty cocktails.Our fav was this neon bar that gave away glow sticks with your drinks..

Our last day we felt a bit seedy so spent the morning having coffee and breakfast out in the city then went for a wander before heading off to the airport. The city had such a chill vibe and was full of wicked street art, but also really green.

Berlin pedestrian signs..

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