Sunday 12 February 2012

Boundary Bay Birdwatching

About a half hour drive south from Vancouver City to the waters edge is Boundary Bay, and this year there has been lots of reportings of white Snowy Owls from the Arctic that are resting there over winter so we went to check them out.

Apparently every couple of years the food that these owls eat in the Arctic has a shortage so they fly further south in search of other food. Boundary Bay is on the Fraser River estuary, and the owls come here to hunt and to rest in this sort of log marshland area.

They were so white, especially through the binoculars they had a fuzzy glow around them, and they were a big bird measuring roughly 60cm high.

This was the walkway along boundary bay - it was quite a big area of wetland before the sea that the birds rest in.

There was owls scattered through the marshland resting on logs all along the path

We also saw what looked like a hawk

And along the drive out there in all the big trees above the flat fields was heaps of American Bald Eagles - these were huge birds, so amazing to see so many at once.

It was a good way to spend a wet winters day!!

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