Monday 23 January 2012

Weekend in Steveston

This weekend we bused to Steveston which is a little fishing village on the peninsula about an hour down from Vancouver City. It was a really quaint little town...

On the river mouth there was a boat yard, and all the waterfront restaurants

Along the boardwalk was the old shipyard, and the houses of some of the people who use to live there back in the hey-day

One of the houses was set up with all the old stuff in it - it had the cutest wallpaper..

And of course I found some Steveston ducks

Back in the township was the old cannery - it was the biggest salmon cannery in British Columbia

There was a really cheeky statue outside...

The village had some cutesy little shops and some good op shops but this one was amazing - so many of the clothes were my size which never happens and it was ridiculously cheap. I contained myself and ended up buying two nice tops and a wicked boaty blazer that is one of my best buys in quite awhile

We had a pub dinner on the waterfront at Shadys which had a boat in the ceiling then stayed the night at the Steveston Hotel (the only hotel there) which had a pub downstairs - very handy for a night of drinking and dancing

...And I grabbed a postcard of what it would have actually looked like if we had gone in summer (which im hoping we will have time to do when summer comes around)...

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