Monday 30 January 2012

Snowmobiling Weekend

This weekend we spent at Lac Le Jeune, pretty much on the snowmobiles the whole time. On Saturday we went around the trails to some empty cabins across the lake that are free for the public to use

There was so much more snow since the last time we were up there which meant we could go speeding across the lake. Steve got some footage of us on Sunday...

(The one on the right is me, Brendon is on the left, and the camera is on Steve's snowmobile)

We went across the lake up to the old Lac Le Jeune Ski Resort which hasn't been operating for quite a few years, it was shut down and left as is. So the ski field is free range for all the locals to play on.

We went right up to the top of the old ski hill on the snowmobiles, was an awesome view - so high up

We also had a few blasts around the lake on the satellite dish which was good fun. Not that you can really tell with all our gears on but this is Brendon having a spin on the dish

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