Sunday 15 April 2012

Antique Weekend - Fort Langley

Saturday we went out to this cute little village on the river called Fort Langley, which was a main trading post back in the days for the Hudson Bay Company. It was a nice little place with all old style buildlings, a bridge across the river, the train running through and full of cafes and antique stores

There was one massive antique mall full of goodies, I could have bought many things but restrained myself...I might still go back to buy a couple of goodies I keep thinking about ;-)

It had a crazy amount of stuff but it was all set up so well in little stalls, some even looked like rooms and houses 

These were some of my favourites...yes I'm still mad about my porcelain dogs...

I was dying to take this home, it was from another antique store in Fort Langley that was much more expensive than the antique mall

We also had a wander down to the river

On the way out I found a thrift store and this was my best buy of the day, for under $10 too, so I was happy with that

Then Sunday we went to the Vancouver Flea Market in the city

We have been there before but I found a clock the first time we went that I couldn't stop thinking about so we decided to go back and buy it. It was $20 which I thought was pretty will fit in well when I get back to NZ one day with all my other quirky house stuff

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