Monday 9 April 2012

Greater Vancouver Zoo

Easter Sunday we spent the day at the zoo, it was perfect spring weather for it..

As we walked in Brendon made a friend with Hagrid - a great horned owl. He was very suss about me, wearing my fur vest (it's fake), which freaked me out a bit but he was pretty choice

A lot of the animals are the same as the Auckland Zoo, but they had one section that was North American animals;

American Eagle

Arctic Wolf


(free moose rides)

Barn Owl


And Shadow the bear

When we first walked by she wasn't there and I was gutted because I was so excited to see a bear, so when we decided to quickly check as we walked back and she was out it was awesome! 

She was eating her apple in her watering hole, it was so stable resting on the back of her paw while she took bites...

Ahhh such a tourist...

We made friends with this really cute fella, I'm not even sure what he/she is but we liked him/her..

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