Friday 14 December 2012

Niagara Falls

Last stop in Canada before leaving for London, UK was Niagara Falls just down from Toronto on the boarder of the US.

It was pretty crazy, the actual Niagara Falls township was completely run down with mostly boarded up shops and was so quiet like it was suppose to have a tumble weed blowing down the street. The main noise heard was creepy Christmas music being blasted on the microphone boxes attached to all the lamp posts that followed you as you walked down the street.

Then up by the falls it felt like what I imagine Las Vegas to be like, tonnes of neon flashing lights, huge hotels and casinos, and shops like wax museums, ripleys believe or not and guiness world records.

The actual falls were amazingly huge!! And it was choice to look across the water into America. The river leading into the falls was so big it looked like the ocean.

There was also a smaller but still huge fall just down the river looking over at the US side with an extended viewing platform

This was the bridge across the border with the smaller fall next to it, the mist coming off Niagara made everything quite blurry...and my hair quite crazy haha

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