Thursday 13 December 2012


Making our way from Quebec City down to Toronto, we stopped at Ottawa for two night which is a city about half way. We stayed in a hostel that was a jail from 1862 till 1972, it was choice but very creepy. We went for the jail tour on the last night so I wouldn't be too freaked out staying there - which I'm glad cause we were told the carpark next door was a mass burial ground for prison's who died or were killed. We were taken to the floor that was kept in its original jail condition as well as death row and the gallows where they would perform the hangings.

All the stairs still had the anti-suicide cages across them and the staircase had the holes to see who was approaching you

The gallow trap door

Out sightseeing we found another awesome Mexican restaurant (totally addicted at the moment) and I've just put this pic up cause Brendon looks so damn cute!!

We went on a very dry tour of the Royal Canadian Mint that creates the gold and silver collector coins, we were sucked in because part of the tour was getting to hold a very heavy peice of gold worth $700,000

Look at me strain-smiling...

We also checked out Parliament Hill and discovered the Parliament Cats that are a bunch of stray's who live up there and are feed daily by a volunteer - so sweet..

While walking through the park to Rideau Falls we also came across this manky fox, which reminded me of the Crack Fox on The Mighty Boosh!!

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